Hypnosis recordings can be a dramatic and powerful way for us to trance-form our lives in new and better directions. ENJOY!!!.Hypnosis recordings can be a dramatic and powerful way for us to trance-form our lives in new and better directions. ENJOY!!!

Meet Korey
Korey Snider graduated from the Ontario Hypnosis Centre school in August of 2015 in the Professional Hypnosis Certification Course. Korey also enrolled in a course to became a basic practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). Korey is a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists becoming a Member in 2015 as well as a member of the National Federation of Neuro-Linguistic Psychology.

Korey assists his clients with a range of issues such as:
anxiety relief,
smoking cessation,
weight loss goals,
sleeplessness/ Insomnia,
pain management,
changing unwanted behaviours to ones that are more desirable and many more.
The real satisfaction for Korey comes from helping his clients find ease and happiness by showing them the tools that they already have within themselves, to focus and make real changes. Korey learned that the real key to creating the person you want to become is to visualize yourself that way (when the mind and body are relaxed) which creates a positive self-image with a sub-conscious destination allowing yourself to become that person.
"I'd like to first thank you and congratulate you on reading this article. Listening to hypnosis mp3's can be a powerful way to trance-form your life in positive ways. Hypnosis mp3's can be a very cost effective way to change unwanted behaviours rather than seeing a Hypnotherapist, having a 1 on 1 session which might be in the thousands of dollars." says Korey.
"Hypnosis mp3's at the most might be $10. Hypnosis mp3's may have some side effects, you might experience better sleep and a easier time falling asleep and you might experience a more relaxed and carefree body and mind. What horrible side effects... lol just kidding... those are definitely side effects I can live with."

Hypnosis Audio Downloads are a very simple process. Hypnosis downloads work much better than trying to practice self-hypnosis. Hypnosis downloads allows the conscious mind to drift off and relax completely instead of an individual trying to do a self-hypnosis technique on themselves while the body is not relaxed trying to formulate self-suggestions to themselves.
There are some things to keep in mind with regards to using a hypnosis recording properly and SAFELY.
Never listen to a hypnosis recording while driving a car, operating machinery, sitting in water or cooking. While hypnosis is not “sleep” and a trance state is not a sleep state, it is possible to drift from trance into sleep. It is also wise to set an alarm clock for a time period slightly longer than the recording. Most hypnosis recordings will guide you back to a normal awakened state, but it is possible to remain in a sleep or trance state if one is comfortable and enjoying it safely, the alarm clock will prevent any missed errands.
With many of the recordings available through Korey's Website it is best to wear stereo headphones adjusted to a comfortable volume. Sometimes, one will experience no trance-like qualities on the first listening of a recording, this can be normal. It is simply the conscious mind wanting to monitor the experience and have its control in things. Once the conscious mind realizes that there is nothing there for it, it will drift away and allow your sub-conscious mind to have a good time and enjoy the benefits.
It is wise to listen to a hypnosis recording in its entirety whenever possible, cutting sessions short only if necessary. Usually, any given hypnosis session is a totality of direction and suggestion and they often tend to loop around, to back from where they started, allowing the suggestions to go inside and be sub-consciously recorded with no need for conscious interference or memory.
By now your probably thinking I just want to have a sample to listen to before I purchase one of the other packages, I have included a "first time hypnosis session" mp3 in this article before you decide to purchase another package.
By now your probably thinking I just want to have a sample to listen to before I purchase one of the other packages, I have included a "first time hypnosis session" mp3 in this article before you decide to purchase another package.
Hypnosis Sample Hypnosis recordings can be a dramatic and powerful way for us to trance-form our lives in new and better directions. ENJOY!!!