Matt follows the MS best bet diet which was created by his father and includes the elimination of dairy, high sugar content, foods with gluten and legumes. Matt has a video as well as PDF download explaining what foods are allowed and not allowed.Matt developed MS Hope for those newly diagnosed or currently dealing with MS

This is the second installment of the MS spotlight and I’m sure if you heard of MS Hope and the DVD “Living Proof” Matt Embry is no stranger to you. Matt was diagnosed with MS in 1995. Matt created MS Hope to provide strategies that have enabled him to live a healthy drug-free life for more than 20 years. Matt has a website that has a bunch of strategies for those that are newly diagnosed with MS as well as those that have been dealing with MS for sometime. Matt believes and same with me that MS is not a death sentence, I believe MS is reversible at any stage, that has proven time and time again.
Matt follows the MS best bet diet which was created by his father and includes the elimination of dairy, high sugar content, foods with gluten and legumes. Matt has a video as well as PDF download explaining what foods are allowed and not allowed.
Along with diet Matt believes exercise to be very important and a good remedy to keep MS symptoms at bay. Swimming was incredibly important for Matt early on in Matt’s recovery and I also personally have experienced the benefits of swimming.
I do aquafit in a cooled pool.
Along with diet and exercise Matt also is a big proponent of CCSVI therapy, watch this video and it will explain it alot better.
Without a doubt diet and exercise are extremely important in the treatment of MS, you understand who you should listen to, someone that has experience doing it. Leo Buscaglia was a famous author and said “to know and not to do is not to know”, if your doctor knows the solution but doesn't have the results to show I can categorically say that they don’t know what they are doing. Be very careful who you take advice from.